Tripoli’s growing urban art
Now that the population of Tripoli has reclaimed their city, artists are pouring their hearts into the street walls. This is very good social progress to finally be able to express many years of frustration publicly. I’m also really glad to see that journalists are taking an interest in covering urban art in the middle east. Now that Muammar Gaddafi has completely lost control, I hope to see the population taking more positive and creative control of their country and themselves.
See more coverage & photos at Aljazeera
Also check out the Washington Post
SKAM Live at Dundas Square for Yahoo!
Yahoo! was looking to launch its new OMG service in Canada and Toronto Graffiti was there to give it the flare it deserved. Live at Dundas Square on Sept 8th, 2011, Toronto’s most famous graffiti artist, SKAM , painted Yahoo!’s signature...
Toronto Mayor inspired Graffiti
Here is a collection of the various artworks which have been inspired by our Mayor (Rob Ford) in regards to the heavy laws against graffiti.
Our city’s street art through streetview
Sponsored by Red Bull, they have created “Street Art View” which you can pick your city from around the world and check out their urban art! This is a great idea to have this as an integral part of Google Streetview which we all know and love. This of course isn’t up to date so most of these murals probably don’t exist anymore, however it’s great to get this snapshot to begin with.
You can even get specific links to those target areas:
Worldwide link:
Read more at BlogTO:
City “Graffiti” committee?
Looks like the city is attempting to actually separate “good” graffiti and “bad” graffiti. Makes me wonder what this opinion is going to be based on. Is urban artwork going to be recognized? Or only...
Mayor Ford’s portrait art
In a back alley just off of Earlscourt Ave at St.Clair West here in Toronto, was the scene a few months ago of our Mayor Rob Ford taking action against graffiti. Here he posed for some media photos doing the grimy work of scrubbing off the graffiti. Afterwards the wall was commissioned by the city by a ‘real’ artist to beautify it. Although yes it is much a cleaner look as before and I personally believe that any commission art by the city is a step in the right direction, another graffiti artist didn’t think so. This unknown artist took the liberty at making a new portrait of our dear Mayor.
Elle M’a Dit Restaurant mural by Sawtay
Sawtay does a great job rendering this classical French piece on Baldwin St in the Baldwin Village. This rustic Alsatian Cuisine style restaurant brings their tradition direct from France onto your plate. The owners are very passionate about their menu and excited to bring this unique flavour to Toronto.